Goat Canyon watershed crosses the U.S./Mexico
border near the Goat Canyon Quarry site. Approximately
90% of this 4.6 square mile watershed occurs
in Mexico where uncontrolled land uses have
resulted in severe erosion and associated sedimentation
that threatens the TETRP restoration area. It
is estimated that since the mid-1980’s
more than 30 acres of salt marsh has been buried
by sediment conveyed by winter floods.
these floods have destroyed salt marsh and riparian
habitat, they have nurtured the development
of a mosaic of native and non-native plant species.
This mosaic supports numerous wildlife species,
including the endangered least Bell’s
vireo, presenting a challenge to plans to control
the flow of sediment.
A project to construct sediment management basins
in Goat and a new access road to the ocean was
developed in 2001. Final preparations are underway
with construction targeted for Fall 2003.